Half Payment - Savings Club

You can budget better with the

Half Payment plan

Show me the deals Cost $ 294.03mo PickUp Enjoy personalized pauments

How do half payments work?


1 Choose half payments

You initially pay half of what you’d pay in a regular savings club plan


2 Keep up with payments

Pay half an installment every month until you receive your credit voucher


3 Finish with full payments

You’ll pay standard prices once you receive your credit voucher.

Half payment clubs for you

savings.club lets you pay half your monthly rate until you're awarded your voucher. See what plan works best for you.

Loan Amount

In 84 months
Under $45k Club

Starting at


You save Info

80% chance of getting a car between Info
10 - 20 Months Join this club

Loan Amount

In 84 months
Under $45k Club

Starting at

$299.16 /mo

You save Info

80% chance of getting a car between Info
10 - 20 Months Join this club

Loan Amount

In 84 months
Under $45k Club

Starting at


You save Info

80% chance of getting a car between Info
10 - 20 Months Join this club

Explore personalized deals on auto financing

Save money through half payments and get your new car for less than you thought possible.

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Save money through half payments and get your new car for less than you thought possible.

Save even more with the new half-payment plan.

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Car. Keep up with your payments.

Loved by users,
hated by banks

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