Auto Loan Calculator

Use our precise loan calculator to see how much you will save.

Vehicle price*
Interest Rate %*
Zip code
Down Payment
Trade-in Value

Contract duration (in months)

How much can you afford per month?*
Interest Rate %*
Zip code
Down Payment
Trade-in Value

Contract duration (in months)

We bring people and their resources together to make buying the car of your dreams easy.


Only pay a small monthly fee

No credit check

You will buy your credit along your plan

Cheaper financing

Save up to 80% compared to traditional financing

Establish credit

Build your credit by saving with us

Savings Club does not have a credit history or co-signer requirement.

Savings Club does not have a credit history or co-signer requirement.

Let’s Compare

What about comparing our financing method to the others.

  • Least expensive
  • Most flexible
  • No credit check
  • Builds credit history
  • No SSN required

    Savings Club

  • Check
  • Check
  • Check
  • Check
  • Check

    Traditional financing

  • close
  • close
  • close
  • Check
  • close

    Buy-here Pay-here

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  • Check
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  • Check

Frequently Asked

We ask for your Social Security Number as a part of an authorization request to conduct a credit check. This is optional and you can still fully participate in a club without a credit check or providing a Social Security Number.

With traditional loans, APR is an annual rate calculated based on fees you pay to secure the loan. Here at we use EAPR (Equivalent Annual Percent Rate) where you only pay for your vehicle and administrative fees. Our administration fees are used to keep up's infrastructure and EAPR means no compounding interest, ever.

With, you only pay what you need to. All of the hidden fees and costs you pay with traditional loans aren’t a factor in our pricing. You’ll only ever pay for your car and administration fees so that we can properly run your club.

You can pick out a car from any dealership once you’ve received a credit voucher. Your eligibility for a voucher is dependent on your savings score. You can increase your score the more you make on time payments. The higher it is, the sooner you can receive your voucher and buy a car. The voucher works just like cash, so you can drive off the lot with your car once you decide which one is best for you.

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