The 5 Best Techniques For Steering A Steering Wheel
Avatar photo Written by Adriano Marques

4 min read • Published August 22, 22

There are many features of a steering wheel that can be used to steer the vehicle, but which ones should you use? In this article, we will take a look at the five best techniques for steering a steering wheel.

Technique 1: Turn the steering wheel

When you turn the steering wheel, your hips should be the first thing to move. This will help you turn the wheel more smoothly and with less effort.

Start by sitting in the driver’s seat and placing your hands on the steering wheel at the 10 and 2 positions. Then, slowly turn your hips to the left or right, depending on which way you want to turn the wheel. As you do this, your arms should follow naturally.

You should feel a smooth, fluid motion as you turn the steering wheel. If you have to force the wheel to turn, try relaxing your grip slightly. You may also need to adjust your seating position to be more comfortable.

Technique 2: Using Your Elbows to steer a steering wheel

Using your elbows is the way to go if rune looking for the best way to steer a steering wheel. Race car drivers commonly use this technique as it gives them more control over the car.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Place your hands on the steering wheel at 9 and 3 o’clock.

2. Use your elbows to turn the wheel rather than your hands.

3. Keep your arms straight, and your shoulders relaxed.

4. When making a turn, use both elbows to turn the wheel in opposite directions. For example, if you’re turning left, use your right elbow to turn the wheel clockwise and your left elbow to turn the wheel counterclockwise.

5. Practice this technique in an empty parking lot or on a quiet road before using it in traffic.

Using your elbows to steer may take some time to get used to, but once you master it, you’ll have better control over your car – especially when making turns.

Technique 3: Pulling and Pushing with Your Arms

It is essential to keep your hands in the proper position when steering a steering wheel. The most common way to do this is to place your hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel.

However, there are other techniques that you can use to steer a wheel. For example, you can use your arms to pull and push the wheel. Race car drivers often use this technique.

To do this, you will need to place your hands at 9 and 3 on the wheel. Then, you will need to pull the wheel towards you while pushing it away from you with the other hand.

You can also use your elbows to steer a wheel. To do this, you will need to place your hands at 11 and 1 on the wheel. Then, you will need to use your elbows to push and pull the wheel.

There are many different techniques that you can use to steer a wheel. Experiment with other methods until you find one that works best for you.

Technique 4: Using a Regular Push-Up Position

The best way to do a regular push-up is to keep your hands close to your chest and tuck your chin to look at the floor. It would be best to lower yourself until your chest is an inch or two from the ground and push back to the starting position.

If this is too easy, you can try doing a push-up with one hand in front of the other. This will make the exercise more challenging and help to tone your muscles.

If you want to make the exercise even more challenging, you can try doing a push-up with your feet on an elevated surface. This will work your arms and shoulders even more.

Whatever variation you choose, make sure that you keep good form throughout the exercise. This will help prevent injuries and ensure you get the most out of practice.

Technique 5: Use a Cross Body Stance to Steer

One of the most important things to remember when steering a car is to keep your hands in the proper position. The ’10 and 2′ grip is no longer recommended by driving instructors, as it can be dangerous if you have to make a sudden turn. Instead, it would help if you gripped the wheel at 9 and 3 or 8 and 4. This will give you more control over the car and help you avoid accidents.

Another important tip is to use a cross-body stance when steering. This means that your left hand should be on the wheel at 9 o’clock and your right should be at 3 o’clock. This will help keep the car stable and prevent it from veering off course.

If you turn sharply, you may need both hands on the wheel. In this case, put your left hand at 6 o’clock and your right at noon. This will give you more leverage and help you turn the wheel smoothly.

Finally, always keep your eyes on the road ahead of you. Do not take your hands off the wheel or look away from the road while steering, as this could lead to an accident. By following these simple tips, you can


After testing numerous steering techniques, we’ve concluded that the best way to steer a steering wheel is by using a two-handed grip. This grip gives you more control over the car and prevents the rotation from slipping out of your hands.

You can use the hand-over-hand technique if you need to make a quick turn. This involves placing your hands on opposite sides of the wheel and quickly turning your hands in opposite directions. This will cause the car to turn soon.

When driving in bad weather conditions, keeping a firm grip on the wheel is essential. You may need to use both hands to keep the car from sliding.

Using a two-handed grip is the best way to steer a steering wheel. This grip gives you more control over the car and helps prevent accidents.

Adriano Marques

Co-Founder at Savings Club
